I started my weight loss journal end of January 2016. When i got pregnant with my youngest daughter i was overweight already and my starting weight was 164 pounds. Throughout my pregnancy i gained about 45 pounds. When I left the hospital I was 210 pounds. I was the heaviest weight I ever been.
When i got back from the hospital I had to deal with my postpartum depression. Every time i gave birth to my children i had postpartum depression about 2 weeks long.
After my postpartum depression were going I was focusing on eating healthy again even tho i wasn't ready to start exercising but I knew if I eat right I might start losing weight. I was starting to lose weight.
End of January when my daughter was about 6 months old I went to my Obgyn and he gave me the okay to start exercising. I was ready to do a life change. I knew I had to lose a lot of weight to be healthy again. I wanted to do it right and not looking for a easy fix.
I started doing my research about Beachbdody programs. I made my decision and order 21 Day fix along with Shakeology.
I couldn't wait to get started.
............................Finally my program arrived at home..........................
That time night i went to the grocery story and bought me healthy food because I wanted to do it right.
I didn't start on a monday and I didn't want to find another excuse not to work out.
The next day was day 1. I started my day good. Eating good breakfast, Shakeology Lunch, Snack and Dinner.
I cannot work out in the morning, for some reason I don't have the energy that's the reason I work out in the night because I want to give it all when I work out.
My first day was kinda hard because I was out of shake and couldn't keep up. I wanted to give up. I stopped for a moment.................then I said to myself remember Rebecca why you started working out in the first place. I got up and pushed myself through the workout even tho not doing it perfect. I was proud of myself that I finished my first day.
I always kept telling my kids I am so fat, I cannot wait to lose weight fit in my old clothes from 3 years ago and feel pretty again.
I was really focusing eating right and not eating out at all.
How did I make this Happen?
I always prepared myself when I was at home and when I was outdoors. Because I know for a fact If I wouldn't plan out I would make bad decision and eat out and then regret it and be mad all week. That's why I have to plan ahead to stay focused.
I was doing this program and breastfeeding my baby at the same time. I just ate 1 more fruit more to get me the extra calories needed so my supply doesn't go down. I just recently stopped breastfeeding because my daughter loves solid food and she enjoys it more than breastmilk.
I was making sure that I also was drinking my Shakeology Shake every day. I remember before I was drinking shakeology I had a lot of cravings, after drinking the shake I was not craving for food and snacks for couple of hours. It felt good because I knew I am giving my body what it needs.
I was working out from monday through sunday. Sunday was my rest day but enjoyed doing Yoga.
I was not going on the scale everyday because it was driving me crazy if I didn't lose weight. So I went on the scale once a week and I kept losing weight and body fat and was gaining muscles at the same time.
I did about 5 rounds of 21 Day fix since I gave birth to my daughter. It was the best decision I did to become healthy again even though it was a tough journey. I knew I had to follow the plan. 80% Nutrition and 20% Exercise. I loved using the containers because it helped me stay on track.
What also helped me was to keep a 21 day fix app on my phone. I marked it off after each meal.
But what I loved it the most. I didn't exercise on my own. I started with a challenge group. People like me who doing the same program. It was awesome because when I felt down and didn't feel like doing it they kept me motivating and supported me until I felt better to get going.
I am not done with my weight loss journey. I weigh about 147 pounds now and want to lose 20 pounds.
I will start next week with 22 minute hard corps because I want to challenge myself.
Below are my Before and after pictures
I will keep you updated with my upcoming results
Before After